Interview with Anna Lundborg Regnér, Gym 3

How did you hear about SSB?

-          Well, my brother’s friend attended SSB some years ago and lived at the boarding school and said that it would be a great experience for me to go.


Why did you choose to move to the boarding school?

-          Some of my friends went abroad the year before I did and they all lived in host families. Some of them had problems with them and it can easily affect your experience in a bad way. I thought that moving to a boarding school would be a fun and interesting experience.


Was it scary to move all by yourself?

-          Absolutely! I didn’t want to think about the fact until I sat in the taxi from the airport. At that point there was no return and I think it’s very good to go abroad by yourself. When I think about it now, it seems like such a silly thought you know? You really have to make an effort to NOT make friends at SSB. There is no one without friends here!


What makes SSB stand out compared to other schools you have attended?

-          As I said before, the boarding school versus host family was pretty important, but most important was that SSB was a Scandinavian school, therefore I wouldn’t have to take a gap year during upper secondary and attend upper secondary four years instead of three.


Are you looking forward to graduate?

-          That’s a tricky question actually. Of course I want to graduate, that is something that you have kind of dreamed about your whole life. On the other hand I don’t want to leave SSB and my life here. In one way I don’t feel finished with upper secondary. These three years, especially my year at SSB, has been so much fun in so many ways.




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