SHM in Antwerpen!

In the beginning of december Swedish House Mafia came to Antwerpen and nearly everybody from the gymnasium went to their consert. I must admit that it was one of the best conserts that I have ever been to! They were so good and the stadium was packed with people. I think it was around 25000 people there and the tickets were sold out in no time so I am really glad that it was so many people from SSB were able to find tickets in time. 
I have actually been to a few conserts in Belgium such as Rihanna, LMFAO, Owl City, Blackbird Blackbird and SHM and I really think that they provide many different artists and bands, so if you are interested in music, Belgium is a very good country to consider coming to! 
Here are some photos of our amazing night at the consert in Antwerpen!

Back to school!

Hi everyone! I am sorry that my updates havent been so good recently, the last weeks in school before the holiday were very hectic. I am going to do a summary of past events that happened before the christmas holiday in my upcoming posts!
Today was the first day of school after the holiday and I must say that is very mixed feelings by coming back. I had such a nice holiday back home in Sweden! I started of by celebrating christmas with my family in Helsingborg, it was so nice to see them again after a long term in school. During the days between christmas and new years eve I visited my grandmother and relatives in Växjö, which also was very nice since I don't get to see them very often since I live abroad and have done so the last 15years. My parents and I also drove up to Dalarna to visit my grandmother and grandfather and spent a few lovley days together with them.
For new years eve I took the train to Stockholm and spent a few days with my friends who I lived with at the castle last year! It was the most fun I have had in a while and it was very nice to see all my friends again. When you have spent a year living with your friends they sort of become like family and I really appreciate the time I can spend with them! 
Being back at the castle is really nice since I know that I have alot to look forward to this term and I am determined to do my best in school up until my graduation and spend time with all my friends here at SSB!
I hope that you all have had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Here is a photo of my friend Anna and me. I've missed her loads during the break so it's so nice to see her again!

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