Study visit: NATO

Today the Social Science group in Gym 3 went to NATO for a study visit. We took the school bus into Brussels and met our contact person, a woman working by NATO. Our car was inspected, we got badges and went through a security check before entering. The headquarters were rather big and there were several buildings. We went to the Swedish part. Apparently, I did not know this, Sweden has a cooperation with NATO although it is not a member.

We met a man who held a presentation for us which was very informative, I learn't a lot about today's politics and how different institutions handle these matters. After this interesting presentation with question answering was over we went to have lunch. It was a vey big cantina with lots of nice food. We sat together with people working at NATO which was fun because we excahnged information about their work and about our school.

After this we went back to the school and went into the sun to study for the rest of the day. A very nice and giving day. Unfortunately I was not allowed to take any photographs so I had to steal one from google.


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