The Castle Council

Just like a student council in school we have a castle council at the boarding. It consists of me together with Benjamin Bond and Johan Nikolai. What we do is have monthly meeting with all of the house parents and discuss different things we and them want to change at the castle. This could for example be changing the curfew time or discussing breakfast times.

The things we discuss can vary a lot but it is based on things we hear, personally think and things our fellow boarding students write on our facebook-page. We have a fb-page with all of the boarding students in it where people can, at any time, go in and write something that they want us to bring up at the next meeting.

Today we had a meeting and the way it works is that we create a list of the things we want to bring up and sometimes prepare what we are going to say carefully in order to have good arguments supporting it. We go and meet the house parents and bring up our ideas and thoughts and discuss them with the house parents. Sometimes they agree and sometimes they don't but then at least they are aware of what the students think about living at the castle.
Once the meeting is over, like right now, we write a summary of what we decided during the meeting and post it on facebook so that everybody knows what is going on and can make comments if they like.

I think that having the castle council is a great opportunity both for us, to enjoy living here as much as possible, but also for the house parents to get inside our brains and understand us more.


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