Interview: Boarding student


Vilde Holm

Gym 3

Boarding student since 2010



What made you decide on moving to Belgium as  a boarding student?

I wanted a change in my life and an opportunity to start something new. I was also interested in learning a new language and engaging with people outside of Norway.


How did you get to know about SSB?

I heard about from other friends that were thinking about moving here and I thought it sounded like fun.


What was it like at first?

At first I was very nervous but everybody were so it wasn’t a problem. People were all in the same situation and open towards each other. The first day people all met and included everybody so it was not a problem to get to know each other. Living at the castle was a lot of fun in the beginning since people were so excited about this whole new living situation. We were all very social and it was great getting to know each other quickly.


What does a typical day look like for you?

I wake up in the morning and shower. Then I go down to breakfast and eat with all my friends. During school hours (8.15-15.15) I’m not really at the castle but after school I go to the castle and eat some snacks during snack time. I study for a few hours and then it is time for dinner. After this people mostly hang out, study together or watch TV. Around 11 people go to bed.

What is your relation to the House Parents?

They are great. They are always there for you when you need them and you can always go to them for help, no matter what is going on or when you need help. They are kind of like second parents and they try to take care of you in the best way possible.


What about homesickness?

The great thing about living in Belgium is that you are close to home. So if you feel like going home over a weekend it isn’t a problem and can always be arranged. I’m not really homesick because I’m always surrounded by my friends and there are always things going on here. There really isn’t any time to be homesick and time really flies.


What is important to think about when you move here?

It is quite important to be social because there are over 40 other students around you all the time. It is important to respect each other at the castle in order for us all to get along. Like not playing loud music when people are sleeping and things like that.


What is the best thing about living at the castle?

I think it is learning to be independent and being able to manage without your parents. I feel like I have gotten a lot more independent after having lived here. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I’m glad I took the chance.


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