Christmas Break

Last week we all returned to the castle after a nice long christmas break. Most people went back home whilst some went on vacation with their famililes. I thought I would quickly explain how this works for us boarding students when our different school breaks begin since I myself wondered about this before I moved here.

We all book our tickets home seperately and then talk so our fellow classmates about when everybody else is leaving, what flights they are taking etc. This often happens via Facebook as we have a Group with all of the boarding students in it. So people write f.ex. "Who wants to share a taxi to Zaventem om 9th of January in the morning?" and then people that are leaving at the same time reply. So the most common thing is to go in a taxi together with other students. The similar thing happens when we are going to return from our hometowns, we simply ask via Facebook if anyone else nearby is leaving then too.

Coming back to the castle after the break always involves mixed feelings. We have been home with our families, relaxing and celebrating christmas, and obviously it's not very fun to leave that. But at the same time everybody has been missing their friends here and the reunion is so much fun since everyone shares holiday stories. It quickly makes the anxiety about school starting again go away, because living at the castle is actually a lot of fun.


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